If You Want to Disenroll
You may end your membership in our plan only during certain times of the year, known as enrollment periods. All members have the opportunity to leave the plan during the Annual Enrollment Period and during the Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period. In certain situations, you may also be eligible to leave the plan at other times of the year.
You can end your membership during the Annual Enrollment Period (also known as the “Annual Open Enrollment Period”). This is the time when you should review your health and drug coverage and make a decision about your coverage for the upcoming year.
The Annual Enrollment Period is from October 15 to December 7. During this time, you can review your health and prescription drug coverage. You can choose to keep your current coverage or make changes to your coverage for the upcoming year. If you decide to change to a new plan, you can choose any of the following types of plans:
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- Another Medicare Advantage plan. (You can choose a plan that covers prescription drugs, like PHP, or one that does not cover prescription drugs.)
- Original Medicare with a separate Medicare prescription drug plan.
- Original Medicare without a separate Medicare prescription drug plan.
- Switch to another Medicare Advantage Plan. (You can choose a plan that covers prescription drugs or one that does not cover prescription drugs.
- Disenroll from our plan and obtain coverage through Original Medicare. If you choose to switch to Original Medicare during this period, you have until March 31 to join a separate Medicare prescription drug plan to add drug coverage.
- Usually, when you have moved.
- If you have Medicaid.
- If you are eligible for “Extra Help” with paying for your Medicare prescriptions.
- If we violate our contract with you.
- If you are getting care in an institution, such as a nursing home or long-term care (LTC) hospital.
- If you enroll in the Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE)
- Another Medicare Advantage plan. (You can choose a plan that covers prescription drugs or one that does not cover prescription drugs.)
- Original Medicare with a separate Medicare prescription drug plan.
- Original Medicare without a separate Medicare prescription drug plan.
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