Prescription Drugs
PHP (HMO SNP) includes a prescription drug benefit that, like its medical benefits, is designed around the needs of people with HIV. Two key features of the benefit is a $0 Part D premium and the plan’s formulary (list of covered drugs). PHP prices antiretrovirals (ARVs) at the same cost sharing as it does for common generic drugs, something most other Medicare Advantage and prescription drug plans do not do.
Take a look at the 2021 Comprehensive Formulary (effective April 1, 2020; last updated March 23, 2020). PHP covers both brand name drugs and generic drugs. Generic drugs have the same active-ingredient formula as a brand name drug. Generic drugs usually cost less than brand name drugs and are rated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to be as safe and effective as brand name drugs. There are generic drug substitutes available for many brand name drugs.
PHP’s prescription drug cost-sharing for Medicare beneficiaries who do not receive “Extra Help” (low income subsidy) from Medicare is shown below for plan year 2020.
Stage 1 | Stage 2 | Stage 3 | Stage 4 |
You begin in this payment stage when you fill your first prescription of the year. During this stage you pay the full cost of your tier 1 through 4 drugs. You stay in this stage until you have paid $445 for your drugs ($445 is the amount of your deductible). | During this stage, you pay coinsurance for covered drugs in tiers 1 through 4 as follows:
You stay in this stage until your year-to-date “total drug costs” (your payments plus any Part D plan’s payments) total $4,130. | During this stage, you pay 25% of the price for brand name drugs (plus a portion of the dispensing fee) and 25% of the price for generic drugs for your tier 1 through 4 drugs. You stay in this stage until your year-to-date “out-of-pocket costs” (your payments) reach a total of $6,550. | During this stage, you pay the greater of 5% coinsurance, $3.70 copayment for a generic drug or a drug that is treated like a generic, or $9.20 copayment for all other drugs for your tier 1 through 4 drugs for the rest of the calendar year. |
You can also see the 2021 Summary of Benefits for more information.
If you receive “Extra Help” from Medicare, the above cost sharing does not apply to you. Your cost sharing is much lower depending on the amount of “Extra Help” you get from Medicare. Please see the 2021 Premium Summary Table for Medicare Beneficiaries who get “Extra Help” for information about the plan’s premium.
PHP has added benefits that Original Medicare doesn’t offer. Take a look…
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